Muslim terror in Boston, London and Paris - Fellow gamers, use your killing skills to kill muslim men, women and children!
(too old to reply)
2013-05-31 03:09:12 UTC
Fellow gamers,

again muslim niggers have attacked, last week in London, this Saturday in
Paris, France - who will be their next victim?

You gamers have learned how to kill in your violent video games, so please
use your skills, get a gun or a knife and
kill some muslims. Kill muslim women and children. Kill muslim men. Kill
them all, because they don't belong here.

Fight fire with fire. Muslims should leave the USA! Islam, the religion of
swine priest Mohammed and swine god
Ba'al must be destroyed! Nigger Obama should finally nuke them all or should
be voted out of office!

Get a gun or a knife, kill a muslim, make a video and show the world the
death of a camel-fucking Ba'al worshipper!

Trimble Bracegirdle
2013-05-31 21:52:10 UTC
Here in the UK you would be arrested for Hate Junk like that.
Yes really.@@@@
Rin Stowleigh
2013-06-01 06:50:47 UTC
On Fri, 31 May 2013 22:52:10 +0100, "Trimble Bracegirdle"
Post by Trimble Bracegirdle
Here in the UK you would be arrested for Hate Junk like that.
He's most likely in the US.. I only say that because of how
cautiously he side-stepped a threat to the president in his racist
rant or even something that could be remotely construed as such....
Because here in the US, he wouldn't even be arrested if he did that.

He would disappear from the face of the earth mysteriously before the
media even got wind of it, then sit in a cell getting a daily
assfucking from a black muslim cellmate who received the same for
googling for pipebomb recipes.
2013-06-04 00:37:39 UTC
On Fri, 31 May 2013 22:52:10 +0100, "Trimble Bracegirdle"
Post by Trimble Bracegirdle
Here in the UK you would be arrested for Hate Junk like that.
That's why we were able to defeat the worlds most elite and advanced
army and navy in 1783! That's also why AMERICA has been able to come
to the RESCUE of England AND France not once but TWICE in the
1900's..... AND defend the ENTIRE of Europe throughout the COLD WAR!

And now you people sit in JUDGEMENT os America when we have defended
you and allowed you the freedom to pursue ALL your socialist agendas??
If we were truely an Impearilstic nation that you claim we are don't
you think we would have taken advantage of our position as a super
power to lay claim to at least HALF the world? Yet we did not.

I am getting pretty tired of the rest of the world pointing a finger
at AMerica and calling US the bad guys when ALL this country EVER
tried to do is share our prosperity with the rest of the world!

Talk about biting the hand streached out in help!! And YOU call US

Oh and I SEE how much your hate crimes have cut down YOUR terrorist
attacks over there in London! HOW long did it take you guys to quell
the IRA? HOW many Mosques have been built in Merry Old?? HOW many
terrorists bopmbs have been detonated in YOUR caiptol in the past 25

100 years ago America could not exist as a neutral nation. We tried
isolationism but back then it was not possible. Today, I think we
might be able to do it, providing we have the balls to put a smack
down on anybody that comes at us. Of course we would have to quell
Canada and Mexico.......
